Friday, May 20, 2005

Railroad Earth Show at the State Theater, May 19, 2005

Saw Railroad Earth at the State Theater last night. I was joined by friends JM and AF, plus his friend Smilin’ Bill from Atlanta. Cousin-in-Law CB and his crew from Baltimore made the trip as well. A good time was had by all. I’m not intimately familiar with RRE’s material, as I don’t listen to them at home or in the car all that often, so I didn’t recognize many of the songs. It was, though, the fifth time I had seen them so I was quite familiar with their jamgrass style. It was relaxing to hang out with friends, sip some bourbon drinks, and get into the excellent music.

The crowd at the State was a friendly mix of people ranging from grey-haired bluegrass types, twenty, thirty and fortyish professionals, college kids, and about a dozen people who might be still be in the denial stage following Jerry Garcia’s death, which was ten years ago this summer. The latter group included one young man who stood in the rain in front of the theater in a neon, tie-dyed poncho, Birkenstocks and neon face paint, selling some sort of psychedelic artwork. I’m fairly certain he is the same guy I saw the night before dressed up as Chewbacca, waiting in line for Star Wars tickets as I drove by the Lee Highway Multiplex.

As much fun as the show was, and I will see them again at the State to be sure, RRE is a festival band, and best enjoyed that way. Their tightly meandering notes beg to be heard echoing across the fields, woods and hills on a summer afternoon.

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