Thursday, March 24, 2005

March Madness

The dog is tired tonight. She is on medication for, of all things, lyme disease. All she wanted to talk about was basketball and how lame the games have been so far tonight. Illinois and Louisville. Yawn. Let's get some ACC action on. WVA and Texas Tech are playing now. We really don't like Bobby Knight, and WVA is nearby. So we suppose we are cheering for the Mountaineers. Still, how fun would a Coach K/Knight matchup be? Either way, it doesn't matter. NC State, she says, will win tomorrow night by a score of 68-62. They don't know hoops in Wisconsin. They know sausages, cheese, and beer. Not bad, but tobacco road it ain't. What is the over/under on that one? Must be the one of the lowest in history. Really should lay some money down.

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